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, we think you would make a great member.
Your generous donation on has already made an impact, but there's so much more work we can do together.
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Members make monthly donations to Owl Rescue
A gift picked just for you,
Special edition Barn Owl plush stuffed animal
We noticed that you have a fondness for protecting Barn Owls. When you join Owl Rescue as a member, we will send you a Barn Owl plush stuffed animal as our way of saying thanks.
Your support on the Stop Poisoning Barn Owls petition is already making an impact. Let's do more together.
- Since you signed this petition on , we've made so much progress and want to give you an update
- 75 more supporters have already signed onto our efforts to stop use of rodenticides. Just 200 left to go!
- Owl Rescue met with members of California Department of Fish and Wildlife Home Page this week to share our proposal
- Your membership means we can save hundreds more Barn Owls in California each year
Stop Poisoning Barn Owls
to go
+75 supporters since you signed